A little about me…

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I’ve been interested in how things work all my life.

I’m John Graziano aka “Graz” a maker and content creator working with a mix of materials, with a primary focus on knife making and metal work.

For the past 5 years I have a shop located in historic Salem, Massachusetts. I’ve use that space to try to learn as much as a can about any and all types of materials and pass the know-how in entertaining (at least my mom thinks they are) youtube videos to inspire people to try to make something themselves.

I currently have some pieces I’ve recently made in my on-line shop to check out!

Please Contact me down below with any business offers or even just to say hello!

John Graziano

1 Jefferson Ave, Salem Ma. 01970

Phone: 803-857-GRAZ

email: Grazmakes@gmail.com